TESOL Greece Journal #164

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  • Post category:News

Dear TESOL members,

We hope you are all well!

In this brand new Issue, you will find overviews from our past
events and many interesting articles from fellow colleagues in the “Developing” section.

Make sure you also check out the interviews from two of our esteemed plenary speakers for this year’s convention, Alastair Kevin Daniel and Terry Small! We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we do.

On behalf of the TESOL Greece Board, we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you spend these joyful days with friends and family, laughing and getting some much-needed rest!

That’s all for now! Till the next one!

Despoina Pagiota and Zafi Mandali
Journal Co-Editors
TESOL Greece

For more information about submitting articles, please see the article submission guidelines in the journal, or visit our webpage, and send your ideas and articles for
review to journal.tesolgreece@gmail.com

p.s. Please note that if you experience difficulty logging into the Members’ Area, go to Member Login: https://tesolgreece.org/membership-login/ and click on ‘Forgot Password’ so you can receive a new password.