Annual General Assembly
What is the Annual General Assembly?
The Annual General Assembly is probably not the most fascinating part of the Convention, but it is one of the most important. The members of the Board make an effort to get through the business of the meeting as efficiently as possible. The Annual General Assembly is a meeting that takes place during the Convention every year. The TESOL Greece Board reports to the members on the activities of the organization. It’s also when the Maricelle Meyer Scholarship Award is drawn (you have to be present to win) and when new members of the Board are elected it is important because it is the main chance members have to get more involved.
What do you mean… ‘more involved’?
First of all, financial reports are presented at the Annual General Assembly, so members have the chance to learn about how their money has been spent. In addition, important decisions, such as whether or not to increase the membership fee, are voted on by members. Finally, the Annual General Assembly, some members of the Board reach the end of their term of office. New people can get involved by standing for election to the Board.
What is the Board, exactly?
The Board consists of 9 regular members and 4 alternate members. The regular members serve for 3 years and the alternate members for 1 year. If a regular member is unable to continue on the Board for any reason, an alternate member takes over. A three-member Oversight Committee, with one alternate member, oversees the activities of the Board. Oversight Committee members serve for 2 years.
What do they do?
Being on the Board involves attending Board meetings about once a month, organizing events, as well as overseeing the finances and running of TESOL Greece. Members also volunteer to edit the Newsletter, represent TESOL Greece at book exhibitions, coordinate volunteers and organize the Resource Room.
Who can be on the Board?
Any fully-paid up member – although once you’ve been on the Board for three years you can’t be on the Board again for another 3 years after that. Members of the Board represent many aspects of teaching English and at the moment include teachers, teacher trainers, writers and school owners, amongst others.
I’m not sure I’m experienced or qualified enough…
A desire to be involved and a sense of humor are more important than years and years of experience or letters after your name. Through being on the Board, you’ll learn a lot and get a huge amount of satisfaction from helping other members get the most out of TESOL Greece.
What do I have to do to get involved?
Anybody can nominate themselves or be nominated for the Board before or during the Annual General Assembly. Those present then vote on a common ballot (you vote for as many people as you like, including yourself) and those with the most votes are elected. If you want to know more, ask any current Board member about their experiences and they’ll be glad to help you. Get involved and get more out of TESOL Greece.