#TG40 Our Gratitude to our Sponsors

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Platinum Sponsor

EUROPALSO The Panhellenic Association of Language School Owners – Teachers (EUROPALSO), EST. 1956, is the largest organization representing language schools and boasting over 2.800 members and collaborating schools, 20.000 teachers and 300.000 students.
Our association, since it was formed, has been on the front line of ELT in Greece organising conferences, educational events, exhibitions and cutting-edge seminars. Our range of activities also include the publishing of a magazine aimed at teachers, parents and students as well as conducting accredited examinations such as the Europalso evaluation tests, ESB and the Cambridge English exams, in close collaboration with the Hellenic American Union, L’Institut Français de Grèce and Goethe Institut.

Gold Sponsor

BURLINGTON Books Top quality ELT books for learners of all levels. Burlington Books also provides seminars and excellent support and service to EFL teachers and school owners.
Papastratou 12 & Asklipiou, 185 45 Piraeus
Tel.: 0030-210-9767888
Fax: 0030-210-9767889,
Email: greece@burlingtonbooks.com

Silver Sponsors

EXPRESS PUBLISHING is an independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality ELT materials. Founded in 1988, the company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth and currently has a list of over 3,000 titles, with sales in over 90 countries worldwide. Through constant innovation and implementation of new technologies and approaches, Express Publishing aims to raise the intellectual standards, to educate, inspire and excite learners of the English language. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.
3-5 Mac Millan St., 11144 Athens
Tel : +30210 2120800
Fax +30210 2015444 
Email: elt@expresspublishing.gr  
Web: www.expresspublishing.co.uk

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is an international association of professionals advancing the quality of English language teaching through professional development, research, standards, and advocacy.  TESOL International Association is governed by a 12-member elected board of directors. The TESOL executive director serves as an ex-officio member of the board. The three-person Executive Committee includes the president, president-elect, and the past president.
TESOL has six Professional Councils and three Governance Committees made up of TESOL members.  The TESOL strategic plan provides goals and objectives to guide the association over the next ​few years.  
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, TESOL’s original name, was founded in 1966. This history was written by James Alatis, TESOL’s first executive director.

Partly Sponsoring
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto

the Volunteer T-shirts