Membership Renewal for the 43rd TG Annual International Convention!

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Dear TESOL Greece Members,

This message is addressed to ALL colleagues who became members of TESOL Greece, OR who renewed their membership last February 2021 for the 42nd convention. 

In the past, we all used to renew our membership during the in-person registration at the annual convention. This year, due to the pandemic, the annual TG convention is online.

Due to our registration system, we all need to renew our membership the latest by February 28th, 2022, so we can be registered and access and attend the convention.

You can renew your membership by clicking on the link below.

Our renewed membership will still count from March Convention, 2022 to March Convention, 2023.  

These are extraordinary times and we all need to rise up to the challenge. TESOL Greece has been able to do so from the start, offering to and supporting our members since April 2020, just a month after the first lockdown, organizing world wide creative and inspiring events.  

We are looking forward to your supporting our association to the fullest. 

The TESOL Greece Board