Adult Learners & TDR Online SIG Event
"Current Research and Practical Perspectives in ELT"

*New & Lapsed Members Registration Deadline: November 10th, 2022*
An Online Event
Plenary Speaker:
Dr Maria Perifanou

10:15 – 11:00
“The Shifting Landscape of Open Language Education: Current Research and Best Practices“
Summary: Shifting traditional language education to Open Language Education is a big challenge. Even though several efforts have been done worldwide towards this direction there is still long way to go. This speech aims to introduce the topic by discussing why Open Language Education is important to language teachers and students and by presenting current research that is exploring the search, selection, creation and sharing of Open Educational Resources (OERs) as well as of Open Education Practices (OEPs) in ELT.
Dr. Maria Perifanou is an adjunct academic staff at the Hellenic Open University at TESOL Master’s Programme and a senior researcher at the Smart & Mobile Learning Environments Lab of the University of Macedonia. Dr. Perifanou has worked on more than 35 EU projects in the field of CALL and TEL.and is the author of over 80 articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and books. She is also the vice-president of European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning.
Session 1
Natasha Tsantila
Teacher Development and Research SIG
ELT Courseware and Global Englishes: Voices from the Classroom
11:15 – 12:00
Summary: This presentation demonstrates instructional activities, designed within the ELF-awareness pedagogy. The activities aimed at engaging learners into critical reflection on how language is used in real-life communication and encouraging their active participation in the learning process. The impact of the activities on learners is discussed and pedagogical implications connected with teacher education-programmes and materials development are offered.

Natasha Tsantila, (M.A in Applied Linguistics, Reading, UK, PhDc, HOU) teaches Linguistics and Academic Writing at Deree-The American College of Greece. She has worked as ELT-Program coordinator, teacher trainer, instructor, and course designer. She has presented in international conferences, IAWE, ELF and TESOL, published in peer-reviewed publications and co-edited books.

Panagiota (Penny) Tzanni is currently an EAP Lecturer and Course Designer at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. Apart from being a Senior Fellow at the Higher Education Academy, she is a PhD Candidate at Lancaster University, reading Technology-Enhanced Learning and E-research. Her research interests include how technology can transform the teaching and learning process in EAP and Higher Education in general.
Panagiota Tzanni
Adult Learner SIG
Using Mentimeter in Hybrid and Online Lessons.
11:15 – 12:00
Summary: Mentimeter is a platform that enables the teacher to design interactive presentations, add questions and collect answers live during the lesson. One of the benefits of this platform is that the teacher can have content, videos, links, quizzes, and interactive questions in one place without using multiple websites and applications. This session will help teachers get introduced to the basics of Mentimeter, learn how to design interactive slides and add interactivity to their lessons.
Session 2
Claire Steele
Teacher Development and Research SIG
12:15 – 13:00
Challenge & Cognition: Increasing the Challenge in the Teenage Classroom
Summary: To better challenge our young learners, and appeal to different abilities in the classroom, teachers can incorporate mastery and development tasks in lessons, use effective teacher questioning, and encourage students to choose their level of challenge to foster a sense of progression. Join this interactive talk to find out how.

Claire Steele has worked in teacher training and teacher development globally for many years in different contexts. She is co-founder and director of eltonix, which is a teacher development and mentoring service for teachers and schools. At eltonix, teacher and student voices are prioritised to develop classroom teaching and learning.

Georgios-Vlasios Kormpas directs the Center for Executive Education, and the Teaching Skills Development Center at Al Yamamah University in Saudi Arabia. He is the Chair of the 2022 Nominating Committee of TESOL International Association. President of TESOL Gulf, and IABL (International Association for Blended Learning).
Georgios-Vlasios Kormpas
Adult Learner SIG
Current Trends and Practices in Adult Teaching Education
12:15 – 13:00
Summary:Adult teaching education has been evolving in the past few decades as more adults need English Language classes for different purposes. Employment, education, and expertise are a few to mention being the primary reasons for adults to learn English. This session will discuss trends and practices in the field of adult teaching education around the world.