‘Daring’… the Virus. Join TESOL Greece online, for a series of presentations on the TG website.

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” ‘Daring’, , , the Virus”: An effort to support, encourage, inform and inspire  the members of our professional  community. 

 TESOL Greece would like to honour and thank all the teachers who were suddenly called upon to carry a heavy burden on their ‘digitally weak’ shoulders, as most of us were not fully prepared to move to online teaching within a day. And yet, we did and we continue doing so, trying our best.

Fifty colleagues responded to the call of the TESOL Greece Board and are ready to share with us their knowledge and expertise and to send a message of empowerment, reassurance and hope that life goes on, inside the classroom or online. Our learners need our presence and our support. Most important, they need to see us calm and positive, ready to share with them the challenges of change and of ‘new beginnings’.

Starting on Saturday, April 25th and till Sunday, June 28th, TESOL Greece members are invited to attend 30-minute webinars conducted by distinguished speakers in the ELT field.

We are looking forward to ‘meeting’ you online.


Instructions on how TESOL Greece members can access the online presentations will follow soon.