...We want to know, too, so share with us your knowledge, experience and thoughts.
Looking forward to your proposals!
Call for Participation
TESOL Greece
Specific Learning Differences Colloquium
with the support of
“Dare To Be Different: Learn, Develop, Succeed”
24 – 25 November, 2018
TESOL Greece with the support of IATEFL Inclusive Practices and Special Educational Needs (IPSEN) SIG and BELTA Belgium brings you the International Colloquium on Specific Learning Differences: “Dare To Be Different: Learn, Develop, Succeed“.
Colloquium Objectives
TESOL Greece and the Specific Learning Differences Special Interest Group (SpLDs SIG) aim to inform, support and empower English Language Teaching professionals who are faced with the challenge of teaching learners with a variety of specific learning differences.
The Colloquium Committee welcomes SpLDs professionals specialised in teaching English as a Foreign Language to Dare to Be Different and looks forward to submissions which will create a stimulating program addressing the following areas:
Inclusive Practices
Emotional & Social Consequences
Parents’ Role.
We encourage submissions which will discuss and focus on developing the strengths and interests of the learners and improve the quality of learning.
Important information
Please note that a professional presentation should not be used to advance a book, publisher, author, course or examination. TESOL Greece Members are particularly sensitive to the distinction between commercial and professional presentations.
Types of proposals
Workshop (45 minutes)
A Practice-Oriented presentation, which shows, rather than tells. The presenter helps participants solve a problem or develop a specific technique through a series of structured hands-on activities.
Talk (45 minutes)
A formal instructive talk given by (a) subject specialist(s).
Responsibilities of presenters
• All presenters will refrain from changing the content of their session once it has been approved.
• Provide handouts for the anticipated number of attendees.
• No presenter can refuse attendance to any TESOL member.
How to submit
Please fill in the online application form: https://goo.gl/D2pgoh by August 20 August 30th, 2018.
We would like to inform you that handwritten or typed summary information faxed or mailed to the TESOL Greece office cannot be accepted . For your convenience, you can fill in and submit the online form. Feel free to print out this letter and post it in your office or staff room. On behalf of TESOL Greece, we thank you for your interest. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Colloquium.
Best wishes,
The TESOL Greece Board of Directors 2018 – 2019