Call for Participation: 20th TESOL Greece-Athens College Pitta Cutting Online Event

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Call for Participation

The 20th TESOL Greece – Athens College Pitta Cutting ONLINE Event 

“Introducing Sustainability in ELT: 

Raising Awareness, Involving Learners”

February 6th, 2022

Dear Colleague,

The theme of the 20th TESOL Greece – Athens College Event, “Introducing Sustainability in ELT: Raising Awareness, Involving Learners” was announced last May. We all felt, as educators, that it was time to talk about 

sustainability in order to raise awareness and involve our ELT community. 

Little did we know then that the theme of the one-day event would be so timely. Last summer, Greece faced relentless fires, which destroyed acres of forests and beautiful small towns and villages. Now, we need to talk about sustainability in ‘all fronts’. 

The TESOL Greece Board would like to invite you to participate actively in the one-day event on February 6th, 2022 by giving a presentation, a workshop, or a multimedia demonstration/workshop. If you would like to present, please send us the relevant information by December 5th, 2021. 

On behalf of TESOL Greece, we thank you for your interest. We are looking forward to seeing you at the TESOL Greece – Athens College Pitta Cutting Event.

Best wishes,

The TESOL Greece Board of Directors,  2020 – 2021


*All presenters who are not currently members of TESOL Greece are required to register for the TESOL Greece – Athens College Pitta Cutting Event  at a fee of 50 euros which includes a year’s full TESOL Greece membership.*