Dear TESOL Greece Members and Friends,
We are happy to invite you to the TESOL Greece Big SIG Day, the first event which is taking
place at the New York College, Tavros Campus, 286 Thessalonikis St., Tavros 177 78
We are happy to welcome Katherine Reilly to give the opening plenary of the event as well
as, Theodore Lalos, Eleni Dougekou, Anna Tsigkouli, Dr. Maria Agorastou, Dr. Susan
Stetson-Tiligadas and Mara Papantoniou as speakers for the 6 TESOL Greece SIGs.
SIG Meetings / Elections
We would like to inform you that the SIG Meetings & Elections will take place right after the
specific SIG presenter’s talk. The SIG Coordinator(s) and the TG Board Liaison Officers will be
present to run the meeting.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are an integral part of the TESOL Greece vibrant community of ELT professionals. Their purpose and function is to afford TESOL Greece members specific opportunities to share information or research in specialized fields. Our six SIGs have been established and supported by certain TESOL Greece members who wish to hone their skills within a particular area or specialization of TEFL.
On the Big SIG Day we traditionally hold the SIG meetings to discuss and share with the specific SIG members their concerns and special interests, as well as expectations of their SIG.
Additionally, we hold elections for the posts of SIG Coordinators who are responsible for the smooth running of their SIG in close collaboration with the TESOL Greece Board of Directors. In short, the duties of the SIG Coordinator are the following:
Head a SIG in collaboration with the TESOL Greece Board of Directors.
Attract colleagues interested in the specific SIG.
Suggest planning of SIG events in collaboration with the TESOL Greece Board of Directors.
Run the Annual SIG Meeting at the respective Event.
Suggest innovations to Board through the TG Board SIG Liaison Officer.
Be present (and coordinate your SIG) at SIG events!!
SIG Coordinator Nominations
We open the floor for nominations for the posts of SIG Coordinators (1 year). You can nominate another TESOL Greece member for the post OR you can nominate yourself. Nominees must have experience and particular interest in the relevant SIG and be a TESOL Greece member in good standing. To submit your nomination please click. HERE Deadline for nominations September 24, 2023