- This event has passed.
TG 45th Annual International Convention
9 March, 2024 - 10 March, 2024
The 45th Annual TESOL Greece
Annual International Convention
"Beyond Language: Towards Global Mindset"
9 - 10 March, 2024
A Message from the Chair of TESOL Greece
Maria Halkiadaki
Dear TESOL Greece Members and Honoured Guests,
On behalf of the Tesol Greece Board, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 45th Annual International Convention, Beyond Language: Towards Global Mindset, featuring Dr. Ofelia Garcia, Rachel Paling, Aleksandra Popovski and Michael Robbs as plenary speakers, and supported by 52 other outstanding presenters from around the world, covering a wide range of interests.
This year’s theme is going beyond language and towards a global mindset by encouraging flexibility, open-mindedness and global citizenship. We are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones and remember that teaching and learning language also involves teaching and learning how to be citizens of the world.
We would like to extend an enormous thank you to our Platinum Sponsors, Europalso and Burlington Books, our Gold Sponsor, Express Publishing, and our Silver Sponsor, Deree and ETC for their vital and ongoing support of our organisation.
As TESOL Greece Chair, I would like to thank all the members of the TESOL Greece Board for their commitment and hard work throughout the year. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the members of TESOL Greece for their continuing support and devotion.
Maria Halkiadaki
Chair, TESOL Greece
Annual General Assembly
Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του σωματείου “ΕΝΩΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ (TESOL Greece) προσκαλεί τα μέλη του στην Ετήσια Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση του σωματείου, την Κυριακή 3 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 13:45 στην Ελληνογαλλική Σχολή του Πειραιά “St Paul” (Αμφιθέατρο, 1ος όροφος), Χαριλάου Τρικούπη 36, Πειραιάς. Σε περίπτωση που δεν επιτευχθεί απαρτία η συνέλευση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Κυριακή 10 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 13:45, στην Ελληνογαλλική Σχολή του Πειραιά ”St Paul” ((Αμφιθέατρο, 1ος όροφος), Χαριλάου Τρικούπη 36, Πειραιάς.
- Απολογισμός 2023 (οικονομικός και πεπραγμένων): Προέδρου Δ.Σ., Γεν. Γραμματέα,
Ταμία, Εξελεγκτικής Επιτροπής, Εκδότη Περιοδικού (Journal)
- Έγκριση οικονομικού απολογισμού και πεπραγμένων 2023.
- Αρχαιρεσίες Μελών Δ.Σ.:
- Τρία (3) Τακτικά Μέλη Δ.Σ. (θητεία 3 ετών)
- Τέσσερα (4) Αναπληρωματικά Μέλη (θητεία 1 έτους)
- Τρία (3) Μέλη Εξελεγκτικής Επιτροπής (θητεία 2 ετών)
Όλα τα ταμειακώς εντάξει μέλη μπορούν να ψηφίσουν και να θέσουν υποψηφιότητα για το Δ.Σ. Κατά τις αρχαιρεσίες είναι απαραίτητη η Αστυνομική Ταυτότητα ή το Διαβατήριο και η έγκυρη κάρτα μέλους του σωματείου. Μόνο παρόντα μέλη μπορούν να θέσουν υποψηφιότητα και να ψηφίσουν.
Εάν θέλετε να θέσετε υποψηφιότητα ή να προτείνετε κάποιο άλλο ταμειακώς εντάξει μέλος, υποβάλετε γραπτώς στην Γραμματεία τα ακόλουθα πριν την έναρξη της Γεν. Συνέλευσης:
Θέλω να προτείνω για το Δ.Σ. της TESOL Greece τον/την __________________________________________________________
Θέλω να υποβάλλω υποψηφιότητα για το Δ.Σ. της TESOL Greece ________________________________________________________
Υπογραφή (ολογράφως) __________________________
INVITATION TO THE TESOL Greece Annual General Assembly
The Board of Directors of TESOL Greece invites all the members of the association to the TESOL Greece Annual General Assembly , which will take place on Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 at 13:45 at St Paul’s Delassalle (Amphitheatre, 1st floor), 36 Charilaou Trikoupi st., Piraeus. If this meeting is not quorate, the Annual General Assembly will take place on Sunday, March 10th, 2024 at 13:45 at St Paul’s Delassalle (Amphitheatre, 1st floor), 36 Charilaou Trikoupi st., Piraeus.
- Approval of all 2023 Business: *Chairperson’s Report, *General Secretary’s Report, *Treasurer’s Report, *Oversight Committee Report *Journal Editor’s Report *Any Other
- Approval of 2023 Financial Report.
- Nominations and Elections of:
- Three (3) Board of Directors members (3-year tenure)
- Four (4) Alternate Board of Directors members (1-year tenure)
- Three (3) Oversight Committee Members (2-year tenure)
All current members are eligible to vote and to run for election to the Board, provided they are present. A Greek ID or passport and a valid TG ID are required in order to vote. Only members who are present may be nominated to be elected.
Members may nominate themselves or colleagues who are members. If you wish to nominate yourself, or someone else, please write the following on a piece of paper and submit it to the Registration Desk prior to the AGA:
“I would like to nominate ________________________ for the TESOL Greece Board of Directors”.
Signature (Full name): ____________________________________
Aims of the Convention
Our 45th convention embraces “Beyond Language: Towards a Global Mindset” fostering unity, understanding, and collaboration transcending linguistic boundaries for a more interconnected world.
During the convention, we will gain valuable insights spanning into these topics guided by our four distinguished plenary speakers: Dr. Ofelia Garcia, Rachael Paling, Aleksandra Popovski and Michael Robbs, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to enrich our experience.
As always, our annual convention stays committed to delivering top-notch professional growth opportunities. We offer a diverse range of presentations and workshops sourced globally, catering to both our thematic emphasis and ongoing professional needs.
New TESOL Greece Members
If you haven’t registered with TESOL Greece before, please pick up a registration card from a volunteer at the entrance, fill it in, and present it to the registration desk.
Please make sure you have your ID or Passport number in hand and ΑΦΜ (for Greek Citizens)
- Students are required to present a valid Student Card.
- Unemployed are required to present a valid ΟΑΕΔ Card
Current or Renewing Members
If you are a current or renewing member, please proceed straight to the registration desk.
All TESOL Greece members in good standing can attend the 44th Convention,
and any other TESOL Greece event, free of charge.
Attendance fee
- New members is 50 euros,
- Students 25 euros (with a valid student ID)
- Unemployed 30 euros (with a valid ΟΑΕΔ ID)
Attendance fee for non members is 50 euros, which includes:
Membership for one year.
Subscription to the e-edition of the TESOL Greece Journal.
Free attendance of all TESOL Greece events.
Free attendance of the TESOL Greece Annual International Convention in Athens.
Free attendance of the TESOL Macedonia Thrace – Northern Greece Convention in Thessaloniki.
Reduced basic membership to IATEFL. (limited number, available on a first come – first served basis)
You can register and pay onsite or you can register online here.
New TESOL Greece members should produce their ID or Passport number
so that the registration desk can issue a receipt.
Greek citizens are also required to produce their ΑΦΜ.
The TESOL Greece Board
Grants - Scholarships
Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
Please read carefully and apply NOW in order to renew your TG membership for the 44th Annual International TESOL Greece Convention.
Eleftherios Kormpas Annual Membership Grants (March 2024-2025)
This year 15 Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grants are going to be given to 15 attendees of the 45th TESOL Greece Annual International Convention “Reflective Practitioners, Empowered Learners”.
The Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant is to attend the TESOL Greece International Convention and become a full member of the association for one calendar year.
Any TESOL Greece Member (who resides in Greece), lapsed, non-member or potential member may apply for the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
The Membership Grant is twofold:
- Supports (valid, at the time of application) ΟΑΕΔ card holders. Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (30€ fees).
- Supports (valid, at the time of application) Student ID holders from public and private Tertiary Educational Entities. Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (25€ fees).
- Supports regular members. Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (50€ fees).
Steps for the Membership Grant:
Interested individuals (members and non-members) must email TG at tesolgreece@gmail.com to express their interest by February 20th, 2024 subject: Eleftherios Kormpas Grant. Any applications after that date will not be considered.
- ΟΑΕΔholders, along with their email of interest, need to attach a scanned copy of their valid ΟΑΕΔ card. If the ΟΑΕΔ card is invalid or not attached, the application is invalid.
- Student ID holders, along with their email of interest, need to attach a scanned copy of their valid Student ID. If the Student Card is invalid or not attached, the application is invalid.
- Regular members: they send their email of interest.
- TG Executive Secretary keeps track of the interested applicants by date and time the e-mail has been sent. All successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified about their status prior to the convention. Deadline for applications is February 20th, 2024.Notifications, February 26th, 2024
- The first 5 (valid) ΟΑΕΔcard holders are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
- The first 5 (valid) Student ID holders are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
- The first 5 regular members are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
* Stipulations of the Grant *
- This is not a cash Membership Grant, and cannot be refunded, the recipients need to contact the TG Office as soon as they receive notification and claim their grant. They need to reply to the email from the Executive Secretary and to scan and send their ID or passport. If the recipient of the Grant fails to attend the convention online, they will not be given the Grant. The applicant may apply for the Grant the next year.
A person who has been awarded the Grant cannot apply for this Grant again.
This grant is awarded in loving memory of Eleftherios Kormpas that passed away from lung cancer at the age of 42 in 1987. He came from a small village in Pelio, Agios Vlassios. His family, and especially his youngest son, Georgios, decided to dedicate this grant to his memory as he was his inspiration for a better education and to become an English Teacher.
The TESOL Greece Board, 2023-2024
The Eleni Kampadaki Grant
In loving memory of Eleni Kampadaki, a life-long supporter of TESOL Greece and a member-at-large, this grant is a one-year membership to TESOL Greece and it is awarded each year to a student-volunteer of the Convention. Its purpose is to encourage TESOL Greece membership amongst young future professionals of ELT and all volunteers of the Convention are eligible and can apply at the registration desk on Saturday and Sunday before the AGA. A drawing to select the winner will be held during the General Assembly. Applicants must be present at the General Assembly to win! A person who has been awarded the Grant cannot apply again.
Sunday, March 10th during the AGA
Plenary Speakers
Dr. Ofelia Garcia
Rachel Paling
Aleksandra Popovski
Michael Robbs
Plenary Presentations
Dr. Ofelia Garcia
“Translanguaging: Changing Epistemologies in Applied Linguistics”
Sunday 10:10-11:00
What translanguaging would mean for changing understandings of language and the teaching of English.
Dr. Ofelia Garcia: Professor Emerita, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, USA
Rachel Paling
“To Coach or not to Coach, that is the question!”
Saturday 16:00-17:00
Rachel Paling: BA Hons Law/Spanish distinction in spoken Spanish, MA Human Rights, MA Applied Neuroscience, MA Neuroeducation and Neuropsychology, qualified UK Lawyer, over 35 yrs teaching experience, International Coach Federation credentialed PCC Coach and Coach Mentor. Creator of Neurolanguage Coaching® and Neuroheart Education Foundation.
This talk will unravel the essence of coaching in education, providing a comprehensive exploration of coaching and its potentially multifaceted role in the educational landscape. From personalized teacher development to fostering student resilience, to transforming how we teach and teacher communication patterns, we will look at educational coaching, instructional coaching and the latest trend integrating coaching within teaching environments. In itself, professional coaching can cultivate a positive learning culture, enhance pedagogical approaches, improve teacher-student relationships as well as provide teachers with the necessary tools to address challenges, promote resilience, and ultimately shape a more dynamic and inclusive educational landscape.
Aleksandra Popovski
“Reading the World”
Saturday 10:10-11:00
Graphic novels are a medium that uses illustrated images and text to tell a story or convey an idea. They are similar to traditional novels in that they have characters, plot, and themes, but they differ in the way they present this information. Instead of just using words, graphic novels use a combination of illustrations and text to convey the story, making them a visual medium as well. Graphic novels can be particularly useful in language learning, as they provide a unique way for students to engage with text and improve their reading comprehension skills. However, their only educational function is not to teach learners a language but to teach them about the world as well.
Aleksandra Popovski is a teacher and teacher trainer with a strong passion for language education. She holds an MA in Professional Development for Language Education from the University of Chichester, where she deepened her knowledge and skills in the field. Her interests include incorporating visual arts into language teaching, exploring effective reading comprehension strategies, and creating original readers for her students. She is particularly interested in reading as a tool for exploring and discussing issues such as social (in)justice, diversity and inclusion with learners of English. Aleksandra is also passionate about ‘no single stories’, i.e. writing and exploiting stories about countries, cultures, and communities that are usually excluded from published ELT materials. Aleksandra is the current President of IATEFL – International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.
Michel Robbs is an English teacher, teacher trainer, and communication coach with the Hellenic American Union.
Michael Robbs
“Excellence in Teaching and Learning; It’s Matter of Habit!“
Sunday 15:30-16:30
The James E. Alatis Honorary Plenary
What are the small habits of excellent teachers and learners? How can we encourage these habits in ourselves and our students? In this talk I will share small habits that have a big impact, as well as some of the tricks and tips for how to make habits stick!
Please click on the presenters’ photos for more information about their presentation.
Saturday 11:15-12:00
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Saturday 15:05-15:50
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Saturday 17:15-18:00
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Saturday 19:15-19:55
Shakespear's Unruly Women
Performers: Suzanne Antonaros, Lilika Couri, Alan Maley, Anna Papadaki, Luke Prodromou, Penelope Prodromou, Vicky Saran Russell Stannard, Ken Wilson.
Saturday 20:00-20:20
TESOL Greece’s Big Quiz - “Let’s Get InQUIZitive”
Exhibition Hall
Saturday 20:25
Convention Party - Let’s Cheer for TESOL Greece!!
Exhibition Hall
Sunday 16:45-17:30
Sunday 17:45-18:30
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Sunday 18:45-19:30
Sunday 19:45-19:55
“It’s just Business” - A Greek premiere of a surreal short film, based on a poem by a 16-year-old student, directed by Judy Boyle (Amphitheatre)
Sunday 19:55
Closing Remarks & Meet the New TESOL Greece Board (Exhibition Hall)
Sunday 20:15
TG Party A Glass of Wine & Goodbyes (Exhibition Hall)
Saturday 14:00 - 14:55
Commercial Presentations
Click on the logos for the presentation summaries.
14:00 - 14:25
14:30 - 14:55
Our Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
For more than 30 years, Burlington Books has been committed to creating quality materials for students learning English in Greece and to providing schools and teachers with support and first-class service. With offices in Athens. Thessaloniki, Patra and Crete we are uniquely placed to identify the needs of teachers and school owners across the country and to make sure that our books and digital materials truly address the practical realities of ELT classrooms today.
Papastratou 12 & Asklipiou, 185 45 Piraeus
Tel.: 0030-210-9767888
Fax: 0030-210-9767889,
Email: greece@burlingtonbooks.com
EUROPALSO The Panhellenic Association of Language School Owners – Teachers (EUROPALSO), EST. 1956, is the largest organization representing language schools and boasting over 2.800 members and collaborating schools, 20.000 teachers and 300.000 students.
Our association, since it was formed, has been on the front line of ELT in Greece organising conferences, educational events, exhibitions and cutting-edge seminars. Our range of activities also include the publishing of a magazine aimed at teachers, parents and students as well as conducting accredited examinations such as the Europalso evaluation tests, ESB and the Cambridge English exams, in close collaboration with the Hellenic American Union, L’Institut Français de Grèce and Goethe Institut.
Gold Sponsor
EXPRESS PUBLISHING is an independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality ELT materials. Founded in 1988, the company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth and currently has a list of over 3,300 titles, with sales in over 100 countries worldwide. Through constant innovation and implementation of new technologies and approaches, Express Publishing aims to raise the intellectual standards, to educate, inspire and excite learners of the English language. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.
3-5 Mac Millan St., 11144 Athens
Tel : +30210 2120800
Fax +30210 2015444
Email: elt@expresspublishing.gr
Web: www.expresspublishing.co.uk
Silver Sponsor
Deree – The American College of Greece is the oldest American-accredited college in Europe and the largest private college in Greece. Deree has been providing quality education for over 140 years. The School of Graduate and Professional Education at Deree, offers graduate programs that demonstrate the critical link between learning and its application to the real world. The hallmark of each program is our commitment to the preparation of knowledgeable and effective practitioners who will manifest leadership, service, and meaningful engagement in their professions and society.
Suzanne Antonaros and Lilika Couri are professional teacher educators with extensive experience in teaching and EFL school management both in Greece and abroad. They are especially known for their practical seminars/webinars which are specifically designed for the foreign language professional in Greece. They are both founding members of TESOL Greece and have served on the Board as chairs and members.
Our Host
Saint-Paul Delasalle
Getting to the Venue
Arriving from Athens airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”
There is a metro station at the airport.
Use Metro Line 3 “Athens, International Airport – Dimotiko Theatro” (Blue line)
It leaves every 36 minutes.
The last one leaves at 23:34.
Your destination is Dimotiko Theatro station.
There are several different ticket types to choose from:
Single airport metro ticket (single journey): € 10
For further information, visit the following site:
Public Transport & Bus Services
There are also a number of public transport bus services to the venue: shorturl.at/dflS1
Metro & Public Transport Bus Service Ticket Prices
Integrated metro & bus tickets cost €1.20 (one euro twenty cents) and are valid for 90 min once validated* (see: https://www.oasa.gr/en/tickets/prices-of-products).
* Not including airport journeys
Taxis to the venue will cost around €7 (seven euros) from the Port of Piraeus
(1.5 km, around 4 min) and can be hailed from the street.
For those who like exercising, walking takes about 20 min from the Port of Piraeus. Click here for more information.
Arriving by Car
Please check the map below for directions.
New Information will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
- Start:
- 9 March, 2024
- End:
- 10 March, 2024
- TESOL Greece
- Phone:
- 2107488411
- Email:
- info@tesolgreece.org