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TESOL Greece 41st Annual International Convention

7 March, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 8 March, 2020 @ 8:00 pm

The 41st Annual International Convention
“Teaching High: Embracing Versatility”
Deree – Τhe American College of Greece,
6 Gravias st, Agia Paraskevi, Athens
7th - 8th March, 2020

A Message
from the Chair of
TESOL Greece

Christina Chorianopoulou

Dear TESOL Greece Members and honoured Guests.

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 41st TESOL Greece Annual International Convention “Teaching High: Embracing Versatility”.

TESOL Greece is one of Europe’s oldest professional development organisations and has entered a new era, after celebrating its fortieth anniversary. This year we welcome plenary speakers Dr. Christina Gkonou, Eowyn Crisfield and Silvana Richardson, and 53 presenters from Greece and abroad. 

We aim high in our teaching, and this Convention is here to showcase how teachers embrace versatility, with a programme filled with inspirational talks and workshops, covering a wide range of topics and interests. Apart from the presentations, we hope that all attendees will enjoy networking during the breaks, feel energized at the surprise events and unwind at the convention party on Saturday in the exhibition hall.

On behalf of the TESOL Greece Board of Directors, I would like to wish everyone a truly unique and versatile Convention.

Christina Chorianopoulou

TESOL Greece Chair

Aims of the Convention

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the title, venue and date of the 41st Annual International TESOL Greece Convention, Teaching High; Embracing Versatility, which will be held at  Deree Τhe American College of Greece, 6 Gravias st, 153 42 Athens, on 7th – 8th March, 2020.

The Convention aims to offer a weekend of professional development through presentations and workshops on all aspects of ELT. We are happy to announce our three invited international plenary speakers: Eowyn Crisfield, Christina Gkonou and Silvana Richardson.

We would like to invite you to join us in this new era for TESOL Greece, and explore the ways in which ELT professionals not only aim, but also Teach High and bring the best out of their learners by Embracing Versatility.

Best wishes,

The TESOL Greece Board of Directors, 2019 – 2020

Annual General Assembly


  • Approval of all 2019 Business: *Chairperson’s Report, *General

   Secretary’s Report, *Treasurer’s Report,   *Oversight Committee Report

   *Journal Editor’s Report  *Any Other Business

  • Approval of 2019 Financial Report.
  • Nominations and Elections of:
  • Three (3) Board of Directors members (3-year tenure)
  • Four (4) Alternate Board of Directors members (1-year tenure)
  • Three (3) Oversight Committee Members (2-year tenure)                          
  • One (1)  Alternate Oversight Committee Member (2-year tenure)

All current members are eligible to vote and to run for election to the Board, provided they are present.

A Greek ID or passport and a valid TG ID are required in order to vote. Only members who are present may be nominated to be elected.


Members may nominate themselves or colleagues who are members. If you wish to nominate yourself, or someone else, please write the following on a piece of paper and submit it to the Executive Secretary at the Registration Desk prior to the AGA:

“I would like to nominate ________________________   for the TESOL Greece Board of Directors”.

 Signature (Full name): ____________________________________



New TESOL Greece Members

If you haven’t registered with TESOL Greece before, please pick up a registration card from a volunteer at the entrance, fill it in, and present it to the registration desk.

Please make sure you have your ID or Passport number in hand and ΑΦΜ (for Greek Citizens)

  • Students are required to present a valid Student Card.
  • Unemployed are required to present a valid ΟΑΕΔ Card

Current or Renewing Members

If you are a current or renewing member, please proceed straight to the registration desk.


All TESOL Greece members in good standing can attend the 41st Convention,
and any other TESOL Greece event, free of charge.

Attendance fee 

  • New members is 50 euros, 
  • Students 25 euros (with a valid student ID)
  • Unemployed 30 euros (with a valid ΟΑΕΔ ID)

Attendance fee for non members is 50 euros, which includes:
Membership for one year.
Subscription to the e-edition of the TESOL Greece Journal.  
Free attendance of all TESOL Greece events.  

Free attendance of the TESOL Greece Annual International Convention in Athens.
as well as

Free attendance of the TESOL Macedonia Thrace – Northern Greece Convention in Thessaloniki.
Reduced basic membership to IATEFL. (limited number, available on a first come – first served basis)

You can register and pay onsite or you can register online here.

New TESOL Greece members should produce their ID or Passport number
so that the registration desk can issue a receipt.
Greek citizens are also required to produce their ΑΦΜ.

The TESOL Greece Board

Grants - Scholarships

Dear members of TESOL Greece,

 15 Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grants are going to be given to 15 attendees of the 41st TESOL Greece International Annual Convention.

 The Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant is to attend the TESOL Greece International Convention and become a full member of the association for one calendar year.

Any TESOL Greece member, lapsed, non-member or potential member may apply for the Grant.

 The Membership Grant is as follows:

  1. Supports (valid, at the time of application) ΟΑΕΔ card holders.  Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (30€ fees).
  2. Supports (valid, at the time of application) Student ID holders from public and private Tertiary Educational Entities.  Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (25€ fees).
  3. Supports regular members. Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (50€ fees).

 Steps for the Membership Grant: 

Interested individuals (members and non-members) must email TG at tesolgreece@gmail.comto express their interest by February 10th, 2020, subject: Eleftherios Kormpas Grant.  Any applications after that date will not be considered. 

●        ΟΑΕΔ holders, along with their email of interest, need to attach a scanned copy of their valid ΟΑΕΔ card.  If the ΟΑΕΔ card is invalid or not attached, the application is invalid.

●        Student ID  holders, along with their email of interest, need to attach a scanned copy of their valid Student ID.  If the Student Card is invalid or not attached, the application is invalid.

●        Regular members: they send their email of interest.

●        TG Executive Secretary keeps track of the interested applicants by date and time the e-mail has been sent. All successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified about their status prior to the convention.  Deadline for applications is February 10th, 2020.  Notifications, February 17th, 2020

●        The first 5 (valid) ΟΑΕΔ card holders are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.

●        The first 5 (valid) Student ID holders are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.

●        The first 5 regular members are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.

 Grant stipulations:

●        This is not a cash Membership Grant, and cannot be refunded, the recipients need to come to the TG convention to claim their Membership Grant.  They need to have with them the email from the Executive secretary and a form of ID.  If the recipient of the Grant fails to attend the convention, they will not be given the Grant. The applicant may apply for the Grant next year.

●        A person who has been awarded the Grant cannot apply for the Grant again. 

This grant is awarded in loving memory of Eleftherios Kormpas, that passed away from lung cancer at the age of 42 in 1987.  He came from a small village in Pelio, Agios Vlassios.  His family, and especially his youngest son, Georgios, decided to dedicate this grant to his memory as he was his inspiration for a better education and to become an English Teacher. 

Plenary Speakers

Eowyn Crisfield
Christina Gkonou
Silvana Richardson
Silvana Richardson

Plenary Presentations

Eowyn Crisfield

Sunday 10:10-11:00

7th Auditorium

Translanguaging in foreign language classrooms: do we really need to?

In this talk we will explore current understandings of both research on second language acquisition, and research on translanguaging through the lens of foreign language teaching. We will look at what we know, what we don’t know, and how we as teachers can plan strategically for the best language learning experiences for our students.


Eowyn Crisfield is an applied linguist, author and educator who specialises in languages in education. She has worked as an EAL/ESL, curriculum coordinator, language department coordinator, academic development officer, and as a lecturer in ITE English teacher training programs.  She works with schools to improve provisions for language learners, from second language learners, to home/minority languages and modern foreign languages. Her current research interests include language-integrated teaching, translanguaging, and linguistic landscaping in schools. She is also an associate lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, teaching modules in the MA TESOL and PGCert Teaching Multilingual Learners.

Christina Gkonou

Saturday 15:15-16:05

7th Auditorium

Teaching high: Wellbeing in the making

Dr Christina Gkonou is Associate Professor of TESOL and MA TESOL Programme Leader in the Department of Language and Linguistics at the University of Essex, UK. She is also Deputy Director of Education in the same Department. Her research interests are in the area of teacher education and development, and the psychological aspects surrounding the foreign language learning and teaching experience.

The world of education is increasingly concerned with issues surrounding the emotional wellbeing of students and teachers. However, there is still much that we do not know about how the specific challenges faced by English language teachers affect their wellbeing and how teachers can be supported in practice. This talk will provide an understanding of teacher wellbeing and reflect on how teacher education could best address the topic of wellbeing for both pre-service and in-service teachers. Raising awareness of wellbeing does not only help to prevent stress among teachers, but also to enable teachers of diverse backgrounds and levels of experience to teach high, be versatile and help other members of the school community to flourish and thrive too.

Silvana Richardson

Saturday 10:10-11:00

7th Auditorium

Language Teaching in the Age of The Multilingual Turn

Recent developments in Multilingualism and Translanguaging have inspired new approaches which recognise the multilingual nature of language learners and language classrooms (both physical and virtual), ushering in an asset view of the languages that learners know and use as a valuable resource for learning new languages. English, while still a dominant global language and the current lingua franca of international communication, business and academia, is increasingly being seen as one of the languages ‘in the mix’ used by plurilingual global citizens who want and need to deploy their full  linguistic repertoires, and in order to do so require to develop plurilingual competencies and mediation strategies in addition to English language skills. 

Where does this Multilingual Turn leave the traditional English-only lessons, and the four-skills coursebook and assessments? How fit for purpose is the largely monocultural focus, and the English-only methodology still used in many English language teaching organisations and classrooms? What new skills do teachers need to learn and apply to their practice to support the language learning of students from diverse cultural, educational and linguistic backgrounds, many of whom are competent users of more than one language? This talk will explore these questions, and leave you with many more!

Silvana Richardson is Head of Teacher Development at Bell Educational Services, Academic Director of Bell Teacher Campus, Cambridge, and Quality Programme Manager at the Bell Foundation. She has worked in English Language Teaching for over 30 years as teacher and academic manager, and has trained EFL, MFL, ESOL, EAL, CLIL and subject teachers and trainers in the state and private sectors both in the UK and abroad. She was Director of the Bell Delta Online and has written online materials for teachers. Silvana is a speaker in international conferences and a Quality Assurance inspector. Her latest white paper, Effective professional development: Principles and best practice was published by CUP in 2018.

Professional Presentations

Please click on the presenters’ photos for more information about their presentation.


Saturday 11:15-12:00

6th Auditorium

Dr. Spencer Salas

Room 603

Muhammad Amir Saeed

Room 606

Dr. Mike Kenteris

Room 607

Hasan Shikoh

Room 608

Nota Gydakou

Saturday 12:15-13:00

6th Auditorium

Dr. Sylvia Karastathi

Room 601

Dr. Mohamed EL Zamil

Room 602

George Drivas

Room 603

Room 607

Lorena Salud Gadella Kamstra

Saturday 14:15-15:00

6th Auditorium

Room 601

Maria Davou

Room 603

Seda Ertum Emirler

Room 606

Fani Miniadou

Room 607

Dr. Jasmina Sazdovska

Saturday 17:30-18:15

6th Auditorium

Georgios Chatzis

Room 601

Panagiota Frytzala

Room 603

Chhayankdhar Singh Rathore

Room 607

Dr. Elvira Sanatullova-Allison

Room 608

Heather Woodward

Saturday 18:30-19:15

Room 601

Suzan Stetson-Tiligadas

Room 603

Georgina Trimi

Room 606

Anna Zhyliakova

Room 607

Danny Singh


Sunday 11:15-12:00

6th Auditorium

Dr. Jenny Liontou

Room 601

Room 602

Room 603

Room 606

Petra Tseliou

Room 607

Aphrodite Gkiouris

Sunday 12:15-13:00

Room 601

Bobby Zlatkov

Room 603

Zafi Mandali

Room 606

Katerina Mantadaki

Room 607

Room 608

Vasiliki Lismani

Sunday 16:45-17:30

Room 601

Room 606

Vasiliki Giannopoulou

Room 607

Sandy Kladaki-Gerani

Saturday 16:15 - 17:15
Commercial Presentations

16:15-16:40  – 6th Auditorium

“Ηow to succeed in ESB & EUROPALSO Exams. Every Student Benefit.”

Leigha Delimichali, Educational & Exams Consultant

16:15-17:05 – Room 601

“The blended MA TESOL at Deree, the American College of Greece”

Dr. Jane Mandalios, Co-ordinator of the MA TESOL at Deree – the American College of Greece

16:15-16:40 – Room 607

“Small steps towards a giant leap: A new learning galaxy for preschoolers”

Katerina Mantadaki: Teacher & Teacher Trainer, specialising in Teaching English to students with Dyslexia and other SEN.

16:15-16:40 / Room 608

“The Three Cs of ETC: Confidence, Creativity, Commitment”

Suzanne AntonarosLilika Couri,
Teacher Educators, EFL School Management Consultants, EDUCATIONAL & TRAINING CONCEPTS.

16:45-17:10 – 6th Auditorium

“Luke and Myla 1 and 2! The first two levels of a brand new three-part coursebook series for A-C
classes are packed with exciting adventures, real world information and multimodal learning opportunities”

Dimitris Kokoroskos, Editorial Consultant, Burlington Books

16:45-17:10 – Room 606

“Building a Versatile Professional Portfolio”

George Tsioumanis, Teacher and Teacher Trainer

16:45-17:10 – Room 607

“Get Qualified: Obtain internationally recognised TESOL qualifications and develop professionally”

Mark Osborne

16:45-17:10 – Room 608

“EUROLTA Tutor Training – Enabling Internationalisation”

Elizabeth Mickiewicz is an Academic Manager at the Centre for Global Engagement at Coventry University.

Downloadable Convention Programme


Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

EUROPALSO The Panhellenic Association of Language School Owners – Teachers (EUROPALSO), EST. 1956, is the largest organization representing language schools and boasting over 2.800 members and collaborating schools, 20.000 teachers and 300.000 students.
Our association, since it was formed, has been on the front line of ELT in Greece organising conferences, educational events, exhibitions and cutting-edge seminars. Our range of activities also include the publishing of a magazine aimed at teachers, parents and students as well as conducting accredited examinations such as the Europalso evaluation tests, ESB and the Cambridge English exams, in close collaboration with the Hellenic American Union, L’Institut Français de Grèce and Goethe Institut.

Plenary Presentations Sponsors

BURLINGTON Books Top quality ELT books for learners of all levels. Burlington Books also provides seminars and excellent support and service to EFL teachers and school owners.
Papastratou 12 & Asklipiou, 185 45 Piraeus
Tel.: 0030-210-9767888
Fax: 0030-210-9767889,
Email: greece@burlingtonbooks.com

EXPRESS PUBLISHING is an independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality ELT materials. Founded in 1988, the company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth and currently has a list of over 3,000 titles, with sales in over 90 countries worldwide. Through constant innovation and implementation of new technologies and approaches, Express Publishing aims to raise the intellectual standards, to educate, inspire and excite learners of the English language. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.
3-5 Mac Millan St., 11144 Athens
Tel : +30210 2120800
Fax +30210 2015444 
Email: elt@expresspublishing.gr  
Web: www.expresspublishing.co.uk

Our Host

Deree – The American College of Greece is the oldest American-accredited college in Europe and the largest private college in Greece. Deree has been providing quality education for over 140 years. The School of Graduate and Professional Education at Deree, offers graduate programs that demonstrate the critical link between learning and its application to the real world. The hallmark of each program is our commitment to the preparation of knowledgeable and effective practitioners who will manifest leadership, service, and meaningful engagement in their professions and society. 

Getting to the Venue

Arriving from Athens airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”

There is a metro station at the airport. 
Use Metro Line 3 Athens, International Airport – Aghia Marina” (Blue line)  
It leaves every 30 minutes.
The last one leaves at 23.30.
Your destination is Nomismatokopio station.

From Nomismatokopio metro station there will be a free hourly  ​shuttle bus service to the venue.


From Nomismatokopio Metro Station

every hour until


From Deree

every hour until


From Nomismatokopio Metro Station

every hour until

From Deree

every hour until

Look for the bus with the TESOL Greece badge.

A hop on – hop off service located at the entrance of the Nomismatokopio Bus station.

There are several different ticket types to choose from:
Single airport ticket (single journey): € 10
Return ticket within 7 days: € 18
2-person airport ticket (single): € 18
3-person airport ticket (single): € 24
For further information, visit the following site:

Public Transport & Bus Services
There are also a number of public transport bus services to the venue: https://goo.gl/rQ5h2A
Metro & Public Transport Bus Service Ticket Prices
Integrated metro & bus tickets cost €1.40 (one euro forty cents) and are valid for 90 min once validated* (see: https://www.athenstransport.com/english/tickets/).
* Not including airport journeys
Taxis to the venue will cost around €5 (five euros) from Nomismatokopio metro station
(3.0 km, around 9 min) and can be hailed from the street.
For those who like exercising, walking takes about 40 min https://goo.gl/rQ5h2A

Arriving by Car

Please check the map below for directions.

Onsite parking is free for members of TESOL Greece. (Subject to availability)







Note: For all the above hotels, the special code CORPACC has been provided in order the participants of our convention to proceed and confirm their own reservation through the hotel website www.airotel.gr and following the given steps. By using the above code all the participants will have in the dynamic rates a special reduction of –minus 7%.





Note: For all the above hotels, the special code TESOL_T.H.E.V.2020 has been provided in order the participants of our convention to proceed and confirm their own reservation through the hotel link reservations@civitelhotels.com and following the given steps. All booking will be upon request and availability





 Note: The booking offer is subject to the hotel’s availability at the time




Daily Prices: 

  • On 06/03/2020 it is 113.00 €,
  • on 07/03/2020 it is 122.00 € 
  • on 08/03/2020 it is 104.00 €



Note: The booking offer is subject to the hotel’s availability at the time

New Information will be posted as soon as it becomes available.


7 March, 2020 @ 9:00 am
8 March, 2020 @ 8:00 pm


TESOL Greece


Deree – The American College of Greece
6 Gravias St
Athens - Agia Paraskevi, 153 42
+ Google Map