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TESOL Greece 40th Annual International Convention

2 March, 2019 - 3 March, 2019


A Message
from the Chair of
TESOL Greece

Lilika Couri

Dear TESOL Greece Members and Honored Guests, 

On behalf of the TESOL Greece Board, I have the pleasure to welcome you to the 40th Anniversary of TESOL Greece and the Annual International Convention. We are delighted that you are with us to celebrate forty years of involvement, evolvement and innovation. 

The convention theme, “The 5 Ts of TESOL: Teach, Train, Transform, Transcend, Trust“, symbolizes what TESOL Greece stands for and has been able to accomplish throughout these forty years. We are all looking forward to the interesting and challenging plenaries, the workshops and papers, as well as the Interactive TESOL Greece Chairs’ Panel. 

Throughout the weekend, there will be a time to learn, and a time to reflect; a time to have fun and a time to connect. But there will also be a time to visit the Book Exhibit, to enjoy “The English Language Voice Theatre”, and to mingle, drink a glass of wine and dance during the Convention Party on Saturday evening. 

Most certainly, I do hope you take an active part in the Annual General Assembly on Sunday. This is where you can make a difference by nominating yourself or a friend to serve on the Board. 

This year, we will be using Plickers and Poll Everywhere to evaluate all the sessions. TG Board members will be guiding you to use the Apps throughout this weekend, so we can have your feedback. 

As a Board and Organizing Committee, we have done our best to plan an inspiring and exciting convention. We do hope you will find it useful and relevant to your professional needs. 

Best wishes to all and let’s look forward to forty more dynamic TESOL Greece years. . . 

Lilika Couri, 

TESOL Greece Chair, 2018-2019

Aims of the Convention

Dear Colleague, We are pleased to announce the title, venue and date of the 40th Annual International TESOL Greece Convention, The 5 Ts of TESOL: Teach, Train, Transform, Transcend, Trust, which will be held at the Titania Hotel, 52 Panepistimiou Street, Athens, on 2nd-3rd March, 2019.

The Convention aims to offer a weekend of professional development through presentations and workshops on all aspects of ELT. We are happy to announce our four invited international plenary speakers: Luciana de Oliveira, Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto, Malcolm Mann and Dorothy Zemach.

We would like to invite you to join us in celebrating not only TESOL Greece’s 40-year pursuit of excellence, but also the ways in which ELT is being celebrated by professionals who Teach their learners and are Trained themselves to Transform their classroom and their materials in order to Transcend learning and build Trust.

Annual General Assembly

INVITATION TO THE TESOL Greece Annual  General Assembly

The Board of Directors of TESOL Greece invite all the members of the

association to the TESOL Greece Annual General Assembly , which will take

place on Sunday, February 24th, 2019 at 14:15 at TITANIA Hotel (NIKI

Room, Mezzanine), 52 Panepistimiou Street, Athens.If this meeting is not

quorate, the Annual General Assembly will take place on Sunday, March

3rd, 2019 at 14:15 at TITANIA Hotel (NIKIRoom, Mezzanine), 52

Panepistimiou Street, Athens.


  • Approval of all 2018 Business: *Chairperson’s Report, *General Secretary’s Report, *Treasurer’s Report, *Oversight Committee Report *Newsletter Editor’s Report  *Any Other Business
  • Approval of 2018 Financial Report.
  • Nominations and Elections of:
  • Three (3) Board of Directors members (3- year tenure)
  • Four (4) Alternate members (1-year tenure)

All current members are eligible to vote and to run for election to the Board, provided they are present. A Greek ID or passport and a valid TG ID are required in order to vote. Only members who are present may be nominated to be elected.



Members may nominate themselves or colleagues who are members. If you

wish to nominate yourself, or someone else, please write the following on a

piece of paper and submit it to the Registration Desk prior to the AGA:


“I would like to nominate ________________________   for the TESOL Greece Board of Directors”.

Signature (Full name): ____________________________________


Το ΔιοικητικόΣυμβούλιοτου σωματείου “ΕΝΩΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ (TESOL Greece) προσκαλεί τα μέλη του στην Ετήσια Τακτική ΓενικήΣυνέλευση του σωματείου, την Κυριακή 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 στις 14:15 στο ξενοδοχείο ΤΙΤΑΝΙΑ (Αίθουσα ΝΙΚΗ, Ημιόροφος), Πανεπιστημίου 52, Αθήνα. Σε περίπτωση που δεν επιτευχθεί απαρτία η συνέλευση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Κυριακή 3 Μαρτίου 2019 στις 14:15, στοξενοδοχείο ΤΙΤΑΝΙΑ (Αίθουσα ΝΙΚΗ, Ημιόροφος), Πανεπιστημίου 52, Αθήνα.


  • Απολογισμός 2018 (οικονομικός και πεπραγμένων): Προέδρου Δ.Σ.,Γεν. Γραμματέα, Ταμία, Εξελεγκτικής Επιτροπής, Εκδότριας Περιοδικού (Journal)
  • Έγκριση οικονομικού απολογισμού και πεπραγμένων 2018.
  • Αρχαιρεσίες Μελών Δ.Σ.:
    • Τρία (3) Τακτικά Μέλη Δ.Σ. (θητεία 3 ετών)
    • Τέσσερα (4) Αναπληρωματικά Μέλη Δ.Σ (θητεία 1 έτους).

Όλα τα ταμειακώς εντάξει μέλη μπορούν να ψηφίσουν και να θέσουν υποψηφιότητα για το Δ.Σ. Κατά τις αρχαιρεσίες είναι απαραίτητη η Αστυνομική Ταυτότητα ή το Διαβατήριο και η έγκυρη κάρτα μέλους του σωματείουΜόνο παρόντα μέλη μπορούν να θέσουν υποψηφιότητα και να ψηφίσουν.



Εάν θέλετε να θέσετε υποψηφιότητα ή να προτείνετε κάποιο άλλο ταμειακώς εντάξει μέλος,  υποβάλετε γραπτώς στην Γραμματεία τα ακόλουθα πριν την έναρξη της Γεν. Συνέλευσης:

Θέλω να προτείνω για το Δ.Σ.τηςTESOL Greece τον/την __________________________________________________________


Θέλω να υποβάλω υποψηφιότητα για το Δ.Σ. τηςTESOL Greece _________________________________.________________________

Υπογραφή (ολογράφως) __________________________


New TESOL Greece Members

If you haven’t registered with TESOL Greece before, please pick up a registration card from a volunteer at the entrance, fill it in, and present it to the registration desk.

Please make sure you have your ID or Passport number in hand and ΑΦΜ (for Greek Citizens)

  • Students are required to present a valid Student Card.
  • Unemployed are required to present a valid ΟΑΕΔ Card

Current or Renewing Members

If you are a current or renewing member, please proceed straight to the registration desk.


All TESOL Greece members in good standing can attend the 39th Convention,
and any other TESOL Greece event, free of charge.

Attendance fee 

  • New members is 50 euros, 
  • Students 25 euros (with a valid student ID)
  • Unemployed 30 euros (with a valid ΟΑΕΔ ID)

Attendance fee for non members is 50 euros, which includes:
Membership for one year.
Subscription to the e-edition of the TESOL Greece Newsletter.  
Free attendance of all TESOL Greece events.  

Free attendance of the TESOL Greece Annual International Convention in Athens.
as well as

Free attendance of the TESOL Macedonia Thrace – Northern Greece Convention in Thessaloniki.
​Reduced basic membership to IATEFL. (limited number, available on a first come – first served basis)

You can register and pay onsite or you can register online here.

New TESOL Greece members should produce their ID or Passport number
so that the registration desk can issue a receipt.
​Greek citizens are also required to produce their ΑΦΜ.

The TESOL Greece Board

Grants - Scholarships

Eleftherios Kormpas Annual Membership Grants 

This year 10 Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grants are going to be given to 10 attendees of the 40th TESOL Greece Annual International Convention “The 5 Ts of TESOL: Teach, Train, Transform, Transcend, Trust”  The Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant is to attend the TESOL Greece International Convention and become a full member of the association for one calendar year.
Any TESOL Greece Member (who resides in Greece), lapsed, non-member or potential member may apply for the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.

The Membership Grant is twofold:

  1. Supports (valid, at the time of application) ΟΑΕΔcard holders.  Up to ten applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (30€ fees).
  2. Supports regular members. Up to five applicants will be accepted per year at the time of the convention (50€ fees).

Steps for the Membership Grant:

  1. Interested individuals (members and non-members) email TG at tesolgreece@gmail.com to express their interest by February 25th.
  2. ΟΑΕΔholders, along with their email of interest, need to attach a scanned copy of their valid ΟΑΕΔCard.  If the ΟΑΕΔCard is invalid or not attached, the application is invalid.
  3. Regular members: they send their email of interest.
  4. The TG Executive Secretary keeps track of the interested applicants by date and time the e-mail has been sent. All successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified about their status prior to the convention. 
  5. The first 10 (valid) ΟΑΕΔcard holders are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.
  6. The first 5 regular members are awarded the Eleftherios Kormpas Membership Grant.

* Stipulations of the Grant *

  1. This is not a cash Membership Grant, and cannot be refunded, the recipients need to come to the TG convention to claim their Membership Grant.  They need to have with them the email from the Executive Secretary and a form of ID.  If the recipient of the Grant fails to attend the convention, they will not be given the Grant.  The applicant may apply for the Grant the next year.
  • A person who has been awarded the Grant cannot apply for another grant for the next 3 years.

The TESOL Greece Board, 2018-2019

Plenary Speakers

Malcolm Mann
Malcolm Mann
Luciana de Oliveira
Barbara 530 x 410
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto
dorothy zemach 2017 bio cropped
Dorothy Zemach

Plenary Presentations

Malcolm Mann

Transforming tradition: some practical suggestions

Malcolm Mann is an English language teacher and materials writer. He is the author or co-author of numerous ELT courses including the Laser and Optimise series (both published by Macmillan Education) and has given presentations in many countries round the world. In his spare time, he’s a partner in a bike shop and café/bar in Athens. Malcolm is a former Chairperson of TESOL Greece.

Traditions build up over time in every field and industry. Some, we question and challenge. Others become so deeply ingrained that we don’t even realise they’re traditions, and that there might be another way of doing things. For example, the concept of conditionals being divided into, and classified as, zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and mixed is so entrenched that it’s hard to imagine any other way of approaching them. But perhaps there is…  

In this session, we’ll look at some of the traditions of our field, particularly in terms of how they apply to teaching in Greece, and ask the question ‘Is there a better way of doing this?’ We’ll explore various aspects of teaching grammar and vocabulary and developing language skills, with an emphasis on practical ways to approach some of these ideas in the classroom.

Luciana de Oliveira

Teach, Train, Transform, Transcend, Trust in TESOL

This plenary addresses the 5 Ts of TESOL by highlighting what each of these words mean for the field and the preparation of teachers. Participants discuss what each T means in their teaching contexts and share ideas about the kinds of professional learning opportunities they need related to each T.

Luciana C. de Oliveira, Ph.D., is President (2018-2019) of TESOL International Association. She is Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Miami, Florida. Her research focuses on issues related to teaching English language learners (ELLs) at the elementary and secondary levels, including the role of language in learning the content areas and teacher education, advocacy and social justice. Currently, Dr. de Oliveira’s research examines scaffolding in elementary classrooms and multimodal representation in picture books. She is the author or editor of 21 books and over 180 publications in various outlets.

Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto

Mandates, Myths, and the Bananarama Principle

Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto holds a US English teaching license and an MATESOL, and has taught Language Arts, ESL, and EFL. Barbara is co-author of one of the world’s best-selling coursebook series for children learning English, Let’s Go (Oxford University Press), co-author of the online course, English for Teachers (International Teacher Development Institute), and author of the chapter, ‘The role of technology in early years language education’, in Early Years Second Language Education (Routledge, 2015). She is an English Language Specialist with the United States State Department, and is Course Director for International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi.pro). Barbara has been invited to give keynote and plenary talks at a number of international conferences, and has conducted teacher training workshops in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. She has conducts courses and teacher training online. Her webinars are always popular with teachers around the world.

Teachers of our youngest learners face some of the biggest teaching challenges — inadequate professional support and training, government mandates based more on wishful thinking than research, and parents who enrolling their children in English classes at younger ages than ever before. We’ll look at research and classroom practice around the world to see what actually works, what doesn’t, and why successful foreign language education for children should matter to all teachers.

Dorothy Zemach

Using Metaphor for Teaching and Learning

To go hand-in-hand with a conference on teaching and learning English, the presenter invites participants to examine something in their lives that is entirely different; and through this examination to draw relevant metaphorical conclusions about teaching and learning.

In their groundbreaking Metaphors We Live By, Philosopher Mark Johnson and linguist George Lakoff call metaphor “unavoidable, ubiquitous, and mostly unconscious,” claiming that “[w]e live our lives on the basis of inferences we derive via metaphor” (1980). The presenter will share insights gained from years of musical study and performance and show how examining and understanding this experience carries knowledge over into her linguistic and teaching career. A music student, after all, like a language student, must listen, repeat, practice patterns and drills, learn theory, rehearse alone and with others, and perform with meaning and passion in order to communicate. Musical examples will highlight the presentation.

Dorothy Zemach holds an MA in TEFL from the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. After teaching ESL for over 25 years, she now concentrates on writing and editing materials and conducting teacher-training workshops. Most recently she was a plenary speaker for IATEFL 2018 in the UK. Her areas of specialty and interest are teaching writing, teaching reading, business English, academic English, testing, and humor. A prolific textbook author and editor, Dorothy is a co-author for Macmillan’s flagship course Open Mind and the series consultant and co-author for the dual skills course Skillful. Website: http://dorothyzemach.com


Rianne Ariëns
Maria Davou
Panagiota Frytzala
Bruno Guedes Pereira
Elena Kladi
Katerina Mantadaki
Rachelle Meilleur
Panos Paraskevopoulos
Nicos Sifakis
Natasha Tsantila
Kozo Yanagawa
Bill Bowler
Ginny Deligiannis
Ioanna Georgakopoulou
Mutlu Isil Ergun
Fotini Komninou
Georgia Marketos
Colin Michell
Cliff Parry
Dr Irini-Renika Papakammenou
Suzan Stetson-Tiligadas
Nicholas Catechis
Kostantina Dobrou
Anastasia Georgountzou
Lia Kalianou
Aikaterini Kantourou-White
Cory Koby
Stefania Kordia
Spyridoula Matatsi
Anna-Fiona Monnas
Georgia Psarra
Efi Tzouri
Georgios Chatzis
Eman El Difrawy
David Gibson
Athanasios Karasimos
Margarita Kosior
Kurtis McDonald
Vasiliki Mandalou
Tijana Nesic Ristic
Ioannis Rafeletos
Irene Stroumpas-Xantheas
Evanthia Vakerli
Katerina Davari
Syeda Saima Ferheen
Valia Gkotsi
Seyit Gok
Nausheen Khan
Eleni Louki
Amanda McLoughlin
Afroditi Nikolopoulou
Cathy Salonikides
Julie Tavoulari
Alexandra Vlachou
Petra Tseliou

Commercial Presentations

Downloadable Event Programme


Platinum Sponsor

EUROPALSO The Panhellenic Association of Language School Owners – Teachers (EUROPALSO), EST. 1956, is the largest organization representing language schools and boasting over 2.800 members and collaborating schools, 20.000 teachers and 300.000 students.
Our association, since it was formed, has been on the front line of ELT in Greece organising conferences, educational events, exhibitions and cutting-edge seminars. Our range of activities also include the publishing of a magazine aimed at teachers, parents and students as well as conducting accredited examinations such as the Europalso evaluation tests, ESB and the Cambridge English exams, in close collaboration with the Hellenic American Union, L’Institut Français de Grèce and Goethe Institut.

Gold Sponsor

BURLINGTON Books Top quality ELT books for learners of all levels. Burlington Books also provides seminars and excellent support and service to EFL teachers and school owners.
Papastratou 12 & Asklipiou, 185 45 Piraeus
Tel.: 0030-210-9767888
Fax: 0030-210-9767889,
Email: greece@burlingtonbooks.com

Silver Sponsors

EXPRESS PUBLISHING is an independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality ELT materials. Founded in 1988, the company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth and currently has a list of over 3,000 titles, with sales in over 90 countries worldwide. Through constant innovation and implementation of new technologies and approaches, Express Publishing aims to raise the intellectual standards, to educate, inspire and excite learners of the English language. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.
3-5 Mac Millan St., 11144 Athens
Tel : +30210 2120800
Fax +30210 2015444 
Email: elt@expresspublishing.gr  
Web: www.expresspublishing.co.uk

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is an international association of professionals advancing the quality of English language teaching through professional development, research, standards, and advocacy.  TESOL International Association is governed by a 12-member elected board of directors. The TESOL executive director serves as an ex-officio member of the board. The three-person Executive Committee includes the president, president-elect, and the past president.
TESOL has six Professional Councils and three Governance Committees made up of TESOL members.  The TESOL strategic plan provides goals and objectives to guide the association over the next ​few years.  
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, TESOL’s original name, was founded in 1966. This history was written by James Alatis, TESOL’s first executive director.

Partly Sponsoring
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto

the Volunteer T-shirts


Titania Hotel, 52 Panepistimiou Street, Athens.


Titania Hotel

 T:  +30 210 3326217

ContactPlease download and fill in the application form below, and send it to groups1@titania.gr  Att.Mrs Kolokytha 

52, Panepistimiou str. 10678
Athens Greece


Standard Single room 80€
Standard Double room 90€

Supplement for renovated rooms +20 euro per room, per night


  • The 3 euro per room, per night residence fee applied on hotel accommodation from 01/01/2018, is not included in the rates, and will be paid by the clients directly to the hotel.
  • Please note that no rooms have been blocked, all reservations are upon request and availability.
  • Accommodations earlier or later than the above dates, are subject to availability
  • These above mentioned rates are valid per room and per night including American buffet breakfast, with all taxes and service charges.
  • Forms received without payment will not be taken into consideration;
  • Confirmation of the reservation will be sent by TITANIA HOTEL by e-mail or fax.
  • For cancellation till 15 days prior the arrival, no cancellation fees will apply
  • For cancellations from 14 till 8 days prior the arrival, 1 night cancellation fees will apply
  • For cancellation 7 days prior the arrival , or non show or early departure, full charge of the cancelled nights will apply
MELIÁ Athens 
  • Single room: 90€
  • Double room 95 €
  • To get the discounted rate, please mention TESOL Greece when you make your reservation.
  • The 3€ per night government tax is not included in the quoted rates.
  • Rates are subject to availability and include breakfast free Wi-Fi and free access to the Health Club on the 9th floor.


Athens Tiare Hotel | MAGE Hotels & Resorts

12% discount for the  Fully Flexible and Non refundable rates, breakfast included, for Comfort Rooms and Deluxe City View Rooms

Voucher code: TESOL19 valid for reservations  1- 5 March, 2019

Peiraios 2 str, 10431, Athens

Tel. 0030 2146879900

Fax 0030 2146879999

Email: sales@athenstiarehotel.com

Web: www.athenstiarehotel.com



2 March, 2019
3 March, 2019


Titania Hotel
52 Panepistimiou St.
Athens, 106 78 Greece
+ Google Map


TESOL Greece